ImageAligner Disc Overprinting

ImageAligner is an optional add-on that makes adding custom text or graphic overprinting to preprinted discs simple.

How it Works
To print on a pre-printed disc, ImageAligner is first “trained” to recognize the image of that disc. The camera mounted over the printer takes a snapshot of the disc to be imprinted with the text. This image appears on-screen along with a control to rotate the image to its proper orientation. The ImageAligner software rotates the text to be printed on the disc to exactly match the orientation of the disc in the printer. The result is great looking printed discs every time.

disc publishing pre printed mediaQuick and Accurate
There are no moving parts in ImageAligner. Unlike other systems, there is no need for “calibration bars” or other special alignment marks to be printed on your discs. Rotation alignment is accurate to 1/2 degree. The entire alignment process only takes a few seconds.

What is a Pre-Printed Disc?
Pre-printed graphics may include text, photos or illustrations that are silkscreened (or printed by other methods) onto a disc. Discs with pre-printed graphics are ready to be imprinted with custom text by ImageAligner, saving time and cost.