Microtech Standard Media Guarantee

All Microtech’s Standard media is guaranteed to accurately Pick, Print, and Record on our systems or we will replace it.

All you want to do is make discs that look good and read well.  That should be simple, right?  It usually is.  But when things don’t go well, you are quickly losing time and money on top of what you have already spent on consumables.  And, you’re probably not the only one affected.

When you buy your recording and printing supplies from Microtech, it’s not only convenient, it can save you time and money.  We have evaluated our Standard media to make sure that is works well with our robots, records accurately in our recorders, and looks great after printing. If it doesn’t, we’ll replace it.

If you’re having trouble, here’s what to do:

    • Contact Microtech Tech Support 800-223-3693 or fill out our Support Request Form.  Together, we’ll figure out exactly what’s going on.
    • Send us with the log files.  That’s where the real details are that help us figure out what’s going on behind the scenes.
    • Ship the media back to us packaged just like you received them, along with your RMA number.  We’ll handle any outbound shipping charges, but you have to take care of the return trip.
    • We can only exchange media in the standard pack sizes such as a 50 disc spindle for example.  It’s OK to hold onto them until you have that many.  Just let us know what’s going on and hold onto your log files and we’ll take care of you.
    • This guarantee is only applicable to Microtech publishing and duplication systems that are covered by an active warranty.
    • Microtech’s Value-Line of media is exluded.

For details regarding the Microtech Standard Media Guarantee, call Microtech sales at 800-223-3693 or email us at sales@microtech.com.